On February 7, 2017 Pardee Lawyer Mike Tidus and Pardee Lawyer being paid by the City Brian Forebath made a deal to shower Pardee Homes with bond money as ‘reimbursement’ for past construction completed.
A Public Records’ Request was submitted for the following documents:
Construction Records for Areas 8E, 8F, and 17 D. These records should start with original permits and a legal CEQA EIR, include construction records, and end with final legal inspections.
The Agreement also included gifting Pardee Homes $3,300,000 from CFD Bond Fund Accounts Series 2011 A and 2012 A. The Records’ Request also included the Construction Records to justify the $3.3 Million gift.
The City responded to the Public Records’ Request by releasing old Requisitions.
Is Beaumont Staff so stupid they don’t know the difference between past Requisitions and future Requisitions or did the Lawyers that worked so hard and did such a good job make a deal for Pardee Homes to get bond money without Pardee producing the construction records for which the amount of money gifted to Pardee Homes would be calculated ?
The Answer to all of the above is ‘Yes’.
It’s a good thing that Brian Forebath was paid over $1 Million to make this magic agreement with Pardee Homes without any backup documentation for the money they were giving away – Forebath worked so hard and did such a good job, but here’s the catch 22:
Government money can not be legally acquired for illegal construction projects.
It’s Beaumont, so Pardee was not required to obtain CEQA EIRs, maintain construction records, and there are no valid construction inspections.
Sorry ‘bout it welfare rats – no government money for you if you can’t pass the drug test.
It wasn’t enough that Pardee was not paying Mitigation Fees – they also had to violate State and Federal Construction Laws to make an extra penny in their pocket.
But ‘Council Approved’, doesn’t that make it legal?
Nooooooooo. Council Approval does not make illegal activity legal, it only means that the Council was aware of and approved of their Staff’s illegal activity.
And it means that, aside from continuing the same bond and construction scam as past Councils, not one member of Beaumont’s current Council asked to see a receipt for the millions they gave away.
But this isn’t the ‘current’ Council’s fault – it’s the February Council’s fault. The current Council is innocent as the driven snow.
The current Council are Victims. Nothing will ever be their fault because every decision has happened in ‘past’ council meetings.
Always victims because nothing says ‘leadership’ like repeatedly playing the victim.