No Agenda Item for Jeff Davis’ Additional Secured Water Nor to Enact Cali Code 350
On October 12, 2016, Jeff Davis from the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency gave a presentation on the theory of obtaining additional imported water, but had no water secured.
The Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District Board of Directors directed Jeff Davis to return to the January, 2017 Water Board Meeting with Additional Secured Water or the Board would enact California Water Code Section 350, Emergency Water Restrictions.
The January Agenda has been released. There is no Agenda Item for Jeff Davis’ triumphant return with enough secured water for the thousands of new houses that the Water District Board has already approved and there is no Agenda Item to enact Cali Water Code Section 350
What happened Water District Board?
Read Full BCVWD Agenda for January 11, 2017:
BCVWD Transcript October 12, 2016
13:00 Item 4. Review of Water Acquisition Options presentation by Jeff Davis of the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency
64:00 Fraser: The local water supplies have been fully exhausted a long time ago. About 2/3’s of our water supply is dependent upon imported water right now. We serve about 13,000+ acre feet and out of that about 8,000 or 9,000 acre feet come out of the Beaumont Basin right now. That’’s how our portfolio is defined and moving forward it’s going to be that same way.
The opportunity for Recycled Water is definitely there and we look forward to the City of Beaumont making a decision as to which direction they’re going to go. We hope that we’ll end up with a Recycled Water Component in the very near future and that will help offset those needs. But those are not really considered new supplies that aren’t already considered as part of the Urban Water Management Plan. Those were always components of the Urban Water Management Plan and the Water Supply Assessments, so its just a matter of getting them to come to fruition; just like having the Pass Agency acquire those water supplies that we need as imported water supplies.
Cottrell: The Motion as it stands is to issue a Will Serve Letter with the suspension of 5 and 6 Conditions for one year and suggest that Staff work with the San Gorgonio Pass Water Agency to secure permanent water supplies. If that Agreement can not be reached then this Agency will move forward with Water Code Section 350. And that’s outside the year. So for the first year we suspend Conditions 5 and 6 and that’s been Seconded. Any discussion?
72:00 Fraser: Is there a timeline in negotiating that Agreement with the Pass Agency? 60, 90 days?
Cottrell: The Motion had we’d negotiate long term for permanent water.
Board Member: I would give that 90 days maximum.
Fraser: So Staff has 90 days to put together the Agreement with the Pass Agency to develop a plan to securing long-term water supplies.
Cottrell: And at the end of the 90 days if that doesn’t happen then we proceed on a ..
Fraser: A process under Section 350 of the Water Code.
Cottrell: Okay.
Unanimous Approval