City Of Beaumont CEQA EIR Filings
Urban Logic Principal Ernest Egger held the title of Beaumont Planning Director and filed California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Documents with the State Clearinghouse from 1991 thru 2010.
In 2011 Egger went into hiding and Urban Logic Employee Rebecca Deming became Beaumont’s Planning Director until April, 2016. Currently; no one claims the title of ‘Planning Director’ in the City of Beaumont. Beaumont City Council and Planning Commissioner continue to Approve all Documents submitted by ‘Staff’..
An Audit comparing CEQA EIRs Filed with Developments Built reveals that there are 11 Developments with a total of 3,489 Houses that have no CEQA EIRs filed with the State Clearinghouse.
A Negative Declaration was filed for the Oak Valley Development with over 3,200 Houses.
Notices of Preparation or Determination were filed on four (4) other Developments with a total of over 4,600 Houses.
The City of Beaumont also filed a Notice of Preparation to upgrade the Sewer Plant from 4. to 8. MGD’s in 2010 but never filed additional documents.
BEAUMONT California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) FILINGS
Area 1: KSE Development: Never Developed
Area 2: Olinger Commercial: Never Developed
Area 3: Three Rings Ranch: 512 Houses Built in 2003
Area 4: Rolling Hills/Hidden Canyon: Never Developed: NEG DEC Filed 2007
Area 5: Heartland: Never Built: NOD Filed 2006
Area 6: Seneca Springs: 995 Houses Built: NOD Filed 2004
Area 7A1, 7, 7C, 7D: Four Seasons: 1,313+ Houses Built: NOD Filed 2004
Area 8, 8A, 8B, 8C, 8D, 8EL Sundance: 2,281+ Houses Built: EIR Filed 1990, NOD Filed 2005
Area 9: Cougar Ranch I: 69 Houses Built: NOD Filed 2004
Area 10: Cougar Ranch II: 147 Houses Built in 2006: NO CEQA FILED
Area 11: Mountain Meadows: 140 Houses Built in 2003: NO CEQA FILED
Area 12: Victoria Homes: 109 Houses Built in 2004: NO CEQA FILED
Area 13: 107 Houses Built in 2004: NO CEQA FILED
Area 14, 14A: Oak Valley: 3,211 Houses: NEG DEC Filed 1999
Area 15: 71 Houses built in 2002: NO CEQA FILED
Area16: Shadow Creek: 241 Houses Built in 2004: NO CEQA FILED
Area 17: Tournament Hills: 1,094 Houses Built 2003-2011: NO CEQA FILED
Area 18: Stetson: 194 Houses Built 2005: NO CEQA FILED
Area 19: Fairway Canyon: 1,215 Houses Built 2004 to Present: NO CEQA FILED
Area 20: Aspen Creek: 106 Houses Built in 2012: NO CEQA FILED
Area 23: Canyon Ridge: 65 Houses Built un 2008: NO CEQA FILED
Wastewater Reclamation ProjectL NEG DEC Filed 2009, NOP Filed 2010
Noble Creek: Never Built: EIR Filed 1998, 2001: NOP Filed 2001, 2003: NOD Filed 2002, 2005
Noble Creek Crossing: NEG DEC Filed 2011
Potrero Blvd/4th St: MND Filed July, 2013: NOP Filed Sept, 2013
NOP: Notice of Preparation
NOD: Notice of Determination
NEG DEC: Negative Declaration
MND: Mitigated Negative Declaration