The City Can Not Spend Funds Collected for a Specific Purpose.
On September 6, 2016 Beaumont City Council Agenda Item 1: Transfer $5 Million to the General Fund from the Sewer Fund through the CFD’s:…
And where did the City of Beaumont get a $5 Million influx of Revenue?
Beaumont City Council Approved Resolution No. 2013-06 which Illegally Increased Sewer Fees without Voter Approval in violation of California Prop 218:
The excuse for the fee increase was to fund the expansion and upgrade of Wastewater Treatment Facility.
March 5, 2013, Beaumont City Council Agenda Item 4.b. Increase Sewer Service Fees and Charges for Connections, Construction and Inspection, Establishing, Salt Mitigation and other Regulatory, Energy and Debt Service Charges, repealing Resolution 2006-73 and authorizing the Expansion and Upgrade of Wastewater Treatment Facilities.
The Staff Report was presented by Kyle Warsinski, who at that time held the job title of ‘Community Development Analyst’. The Report States that the $60 Million for a Wastewater Treatment System Expansion and Salt Mitigation Facility was started in February, 2006.
Let’s Review:
In March 2013, for the second time in a decade the City Council ‘Approves’ to illegally impose a Sewer Fee Increase for the Sewer Expansion and Brine Disposal.
In December, 2015, the City Council ‘Approves’ to illegally take money from the Mello Roos CFD Bond Fund Accounts to pay off the 2001 Wastewater Bond after it was Called by Union Bank.
In September, 2016, the Council wants to ‘Approve’ using the Fee Increase to Repay the CFD Bond Fund Accounts, but instead of putting the money back into the Bond Fund Accounts, the City wants to put it in the General Fund so Lawyers and Consultants can funnel it out of the City ‘With Council’s Approval’ of course.