$1 Million Budgeted to Fight S.E.C.

The City of Beaumont has Budgeted $1 Million to be Taken From the CFD Bond Fund Accounts to Fight S.E.C.


Let’s Review:

Beaumont Council illegally acquires Mello Roos Bonds, which are Federal Municipal Bonds.

 Money is misuse/embezzled and Facilities are never built.

Property Owners are left with depreciated home values and massive property taxes for the Bonds.

Federal Securities and Exchange Commission (The Cops) starts investigating Beaumont’s illegal acquisition and use of federal municipal bonds.

City Council decides to ‘fight’ SEC and budgets $1 Million of the CFD Funds for Lawyers and Consultants.

The City of Beaumont can not use Bond Funds to ‘fight the SEC’. The City committed a crime – lots of them. Beaumont broke every State and Federal Bond Law on the Books.

To quote Judge Chaffee as he awarded the Western Riverside Council of Governments $42 plus Interest at 8% because of nature of the act: “Fraud by clear and convincing evidence.”

What part of ‘illegal use of federal municipal bond funds’ doesn’t the City of Beaumont understand?