By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at
” How much has actually changed since the Former City Manager [Alan Kapanicas] was here.”
22:00 Becky Whatley SEIU Local 721, which represents a lot of the Employees that work for the City of Beaumont. I’m here representing the Members of SEIU; they’re your loyal City Employees. We have concerns about the City’s attitude and philosophy. We want to ask you how much has actually changed since the former City Manager [Alan Kapanicas] was here.
There are those that are in charge now that were groomed by that former City Manager. Who were ‘infused’ if you will, with philosophies and we want to say that it appears that there are some who are going forward; even after he’s gone. The filtering of information and keeping Council in the dark are two concerns.
I won’t say don’t trust your Staff. I appreciate what you just said Mayor, about what they’ve accomplished, how much you appreciate their hard work. But I will say that it’s important to learn from the past and emphasize; do not blindly accept. Please ask questions. Ask for documents.
Do what you were elected to do, which is to make informed decisions and the only way that you can make informed decisions is to get the information. I’m here to emphasis that and to ask you to ask for the information when you’re in Closed Session. Do not accept verbal information. Do not accept just a pat on the head that they’ve got it taken care of. Please ask for the documents.
39:00 Dr. Ball: I believe something very telling happened earlier in Pubic Comment and I just wanted to follow up with that. One of the persons who spoke was a young lady representing the SEIU saying that there are employees here within the City who have some concerns that aren’t necessarily being met.
I would encourage the Employees within this City if they do have some concerns to document those things and forward them to Mr. Pinkney or to the Council Members. That is your duty. Many many years ago when I was a young man serving on the Cherry-Valley Water District an Employee came to me, and it took courage on his part to do that, and suggested that there were things happening in the Water District that were inappropriate.
I listened to him and with his help and others we were able to make some changes within the Water District which ultimately resulted in the replacement of General Manager, replacement of the Attorney representing our District, and several key Staff Members in upper management because they couldn’t understand that a new day had dawn and that business was different than it used to be. The cronyism, the nepotism, the favoritism were gone and I believe that we have a better Water District for that. I would encourage you, as Council Members, if someone approaches you from your Staff to listen to them, to encourage them to give you documentation to make this City a better place that what it is right now.