2015 Year in Review

By: Libi Uremovic | Original Article at patch.com

Beaumont began the year with a New Council, the 2001 Sewer Bond Called, and the WRCOG Judgement topping $60 Million.


All three Incumbents are voted out of Office. Knight gifted mayoral position proving that Kapanicas was still controlling Council.

Police Association again request that Council fire Coe and Fagan. Council again ignores Police Association.

City creates Steiner Group in an attempt to hide Moorjani and Dillion.

City ignores Riverwatch Report

City ignores State deadline to produce Title 22 compliant recycled water.

Urban Logic Payroll exposes $1,000/hour Employees

Treasurer Nancy Carroll blabbers on about becoming a certified treasurer, but never takes the courses.


Federal Comptroller of Currency begins investigation of Union Bank for municipal bond fraud.

Beaumont-Cherry Valley Water District reports Safe Yield of 6,700 acre feet.

City publishes Bank Statements online admitting that $11 Million in Reserves did not exist.

State Treasurer’s Office targets municipal bond corruption.


City holds phony CFD workshop in attempt to pacify community.

State Controller orders City to return $6.5 Million in Redevelopment funds.

Council Approves $800,000 for Potrero. Bond Fund Accounts show $300,000 paid out to Urban Logic before Council Approval. $800,000 Product never received.

Council refuses to adopt 2014 Audit of Financial Statements


Council Approves fraudulent 7A vote in order to acquire more bond debt.

Law Firm of Aklufi Wysocki resigns.

Pinkney magically appears, removes Lawsuits from City Council Agenda.

Victor Dominguez, Councilman Orozco’s campaign manager, murders Councilman Mike Lara’s cousin in a druggy shootout in front of Police Department’s contracted tow truck service.

FBI and Riverside D.A.’s Office raid City of Beaumont, Urban Logic, and homes of Kapanicas and Eggers.

Finance Director William Aylward resigns.

Past Financial Statements are mutilated to remove individual departments.

Council Approves three more Mello Roos Bonds.

Shelby Hanvey forges May 5th Council Minutes.

Phony bid for Sewer Plant Operator exposed.

State Controller announces Investigation of City of Beaumont

City Manager Alan Kapanicas resigns.


Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board releases Executive Order against City of Beaumont.

Urban Futures magically appears.

Phony Fire Station Committee established.

Council unanimously Approves to continue to funnel money to Urban Logic.


Chief of Police Coe gone.

Risk Manager James Gregg gone.

City looks like fools hosting free concerts.

Pinkney defrauds Public and Council to pass Ordinance to reimburse Pardee for all Mitigation Fees paid with Mello Roos Bond debt on ‘future’ property owners.

Urtiaga and Knight lie to Water Quality Control Board.

Riverwatch told by FBI “settle and get out of the way”


Beaumont Electric finally gets off Citizens’ payroll.

Council Approves 2015 Budget to funnel 1/2 the money to lawyers and consultants, creates a new department to hide Urban Logic, but budgets nothing for City Clerk or Finance Department.

City submits property tax rolls prepared by Webb and Associates illegally overcharging property owners $3.5 Million.


Yucaipa hosts tour to show what a ‘state of the art’ recycled water facility really looks like.

Willdan states to Council that the City has not submitted an Arbitrage Report to the IRS in 20 years even through Kapanias was paid for arbitrage services.


Council unanimously approves gifting Kapanicas another $1/4 Million.

Assistant to Kapanias Shelby Hanvey resigns.

Phony Fire Station Committee reports gives up charade.

City releases excuses as to why they continue to overcharge Mello Roos Property Taxes.

State Controller’s Investigative Report details long list of criminal activity.

Council ignores State Controllers’ Report.

Councilman Orozco calls for Councilman Jeff Fox’s resignation.

State Treasurer starts ‘Debt Watch’ website.

Citizens attempt Initiate to limit housing; City notifies Pardee Homes to block Initiative.


LAFCO continues Hidden Canyon warehouse Annexation until March, or until the City can produce 2014 Financial Statements and prove it can provide services.

Riverside County sends out form letter to Beaumont Mello Roos property owners stating that the County does not oversee CFD property taxes.

State Controller releases 2014 payroll. Beaumont neglected to submit their payroll to State.

Jeff Fox dies of old age at 53.