Blame It On Septic Tanks

By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at

On Wednesday, January 28th Beaumont will hold a Special Session to Discuss City Clerk and City Treasurer Job Description and Functions.

There is also one (1) Closed Session Agenda Item: City of Beaumont vs Beaumont Cherry Valley Water District RIC 1314072.

When confronted with the California River Watch Report on January 6, 2015, Beaumont City Attorney Wysocki told Council that he ‘planned’ to discuss the Report on January 20th, but it never happened.

Now Wysocki will tell Council that they are not legally allowed to discuss any other Items in Closed Session. As long as Council allows Staff to dictate the Agenda, Council will continue to be played.

But don’t worry Citizens of Beaumont, your City has a ‘master plan’. The City is going to blame all of their Sewer and Water Contamination issues listed in the River Watch Report on Septic Tanks.

Have you heard this story before Cherry Valley?

Kyle stated at the Council Meeting that Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water is a year away. Six months ago Kyle stated Title 22 Compliant Recycled Water was 90 days away.

It looks like about a week’s worth of snow pack on the mountains above the Beaumont Basin. It hasn’t snowed in the High Sierra’s all year, so there will be no water to purchase from the State.