By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at
Beaumont Listed Plan To Steal TUMF in 2007 General Plan
Below is from Beaumont’s General Plan page 78. Apparently they made the conscious decision to steal TUMF with Berg, Deforge, and Fox authorizing the General Plan.
What the hell is wrong with these people?
Transportation Uniform Mitigation fee. The Riverside county Board of Supervisors recently enacted the Western Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee Ordinance. The fees that are to be collected will be used to finance roadway and transportation-related improvements. The City of Beaumont, concerned that the fees collected from local developments would be used to finance projects elsewhere in the region, adopted to implement its own traffic mitigation fee ordinance. In this way the city remans eligible for other County transits funds while at the same time, ensuring that fees collected from local developments go towards the financing of local improvements.