By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at
List of Mitigation Fees Charged to K Hovanian for Four Seasons in 2011 include Fire Station, Recycled Water, & Regional Park
Attached is the list of Mitigation Fees Charged to K Hovanian for Four Seasons in 2011 signed by Urban Logic Principal David Dillon as ‘Project Manager’. Charges for Four Seasons Colonade Phase 5 are as follows:
Basic Services and Facilities $350.00
General Plan $35.00
Traffic Signal $123.00
Railroad X’ing $139.30
Fire Station $126.70
Fair Share BRB Facilities $7,040.25
Regional Park $498.86
Sewer Capacity $2,198.74
Recycled Water $768.73
Sewer Application $25.00
Lower Potrero Sewer $480.95
Southern Trunk Main $88.10
Emergency Preparedness $490.27
MSHCP Fee DA Exempt $1,938.00
Total $14,303.10