Beaumont Illegally Hired City Manager

By: Libi Uremovic, February 18, 2014 | Original Article at

72e3b9c34bc7cc3f5617af7543f8b1e7Attached is the City of Beaumont’s response to a Public Record Request for the Resume of City Manager Alan Kapanicas verifying Education, Qualifications, and Work History.

The City of Beaumont states they have no records on file for Alan Kapanicas.  Apparently the City hired Kapanicas  without taking any applications or verifying that he is qualified for the position.

At the time of hire City Attorney Aklufi wrote a letter pushing Kapanicas through.   The Council had the duty of care to comprehend and follow the hiring procedures and to verify qualifications.

But it’s not shocking to find out they just rubber-stamped the hiring, all things considered.

The shocking part is that the City didn’t just make up a resume for Kapanicas and attach a copy of his college diploma to fulfill the records request.

Kapanicas was about 35-40 when he strollled into Beaumont, so he should have a 20 year work history prior to his arrival.  A college degree is a State Requirement to hold the Office of City Manager in Cali.

The Beaumont City Council has allowed one man to saddle  their City with $300 million debt and all they know about him is that he lives out of town.