CalRiverWatch Report Pt II

CalRiverWatch Recommended Remedial Measures Include Replacing Sewer Lines.

By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at

Here’s a Link To Read the Full Report:


2. River Watch believes the following remedial measures are necessary to bring Beaumont into compliance with its NPDES permit and the Basin Plan, and reflect the biological irnpacts of Beaumont’s on-going non-compliance with the CWA:


Repair or replacement, within fwo (2) years, of all sewer lines in Beaumont’s sewage collection system located 200 feet from surface waters, including gutters, canals and storm drains which discharge to surface waters. which have been CCTV’d within the past five (5) years and were rated as Significantly Deftctive.

Within two (2) years, the completion of a Surface Water Condition Assessment of sewer lines which have not been CCTV’d during the past ten (10) years.

Within two (2) years after completion of the Surface Water Condition Assessment Beaumont will:

Repair or replace all sewer lines which have been found to be Significantly Defective;

Repair or replace sewer pipe segments containing defects with a rating of 3 based on the PACP rating system if such defect resulted in a SSO or, if Beaumont determines such defects are in close proximity to Significantly Defective segments that are in the process of being repaired or replaced; and,

Ensure that sewer pipe segments that contain defects with a rating of 3 based on the PACP rating system that are not repaired or replaced within five (5) y€ars after completion of the Surface Water Condition Assessment are re- CCTV’d not more than every five (5) years to ascertain the condition of the sewer line segment. If Beaumont determines that the grade-3 sewer pipe segment has deteriorated and needs to be repaired or replaced, Beaumont shall complete the repair or replacement within trvo (2) years after the last CCTV cycle.

Beginning no more than one (l ) year after completion ofthe Surface Water Condition Assessment, Beaumont shall commence a Full Condition Assessment to be completed within seven (7) years. Any sewer pipe segment receiving a rating of 4 or 5 based on the PACP rating system shall be repaired orreplaced within three (3) years of the rating determination.

Implementation in Beaumont’s Capital Improvements Plan of a program to provide a Condition Assessment of all sewer lines at least every five (5) years. Said program to begin one ( I ) year following the Full Condition Assessment described above.


Modification ofBeaumont’s Backup and “SSO Response Plan” to include the method or calculations used for estimating total spill volume, spill volume that reached surface waters and spill volume recovered.

For Category I Spills, creation of a listing ofnearby residents or business owners who have been contacted to attempt to establish the SSO start time, duration, and flow rate, if such start time, duration, and flow rate have not been otherwise reasonably ascertained (such as from a caller who provides information that brackets a given time the SSO began).

Taking of photographs of the manhole flow at the SSO site using the Santa Ana Method affay, if applicable to the SSO; or, other photographic evidence that may aid in establishing the spill volume.

Conduction of water quality sampling and testing whenever it is estirnated that 50 gallons or more of untreated or partially treated waste water enters surface waters. Constituents tested for to include: Ammonia, Fecal Coliform, E. coli and a CAM-17 toxic metal analysis.

Beaumont shall collect and test samples from 3 locations – the point of discharge, upstream of the point of discharge, and downstream of the point of discharge. If any of these constituents are found at higher levels in the point of discharge sample or at the downstream sample than in the upstream sample, Beaumont will determine and address the cause ofthe SSO that enters surface waters and employ the following measures to prevent future overflows:

if the SSO is caused by a structural defect, immediately spot repair the defect or replace the entire line; or,

if the defect is non-structural, such as a grease blockage or vandalism to a manhole cover, perform additional maintenance or cleaning and any other appropriate measures to fix the non-structural defect.

Creation of a website capacity to track information regarding SSOs; or, in the alternative, creation of a link from Beaumont’s website to the CfWQS SSO Public Rcports. Notification to be given by Beaumont to all custorners and other members of the public of the existence of the web based program, including a commitment to respond to private parties submitting overflow reports.

Completion of human marker sampling on creeks, rivers, wetlands and areas of Cooper’s Creek and the San Timoteo River adjacent to sewer lines to test for sewage contamination from exfiltration.


Creation of a mandatory private sewer lateral inspection and repair program triggered by any of the following events:

Transfer of ownership of the property if no inspection/replacement of the sewer lateral occurred within twenty (20) years prior to the transfer;

Two (2) or more SSOs caused by the private sewer lateral within two (2) years;

A change in the use ofthe structure: (a) from residential to non-residential use, (b) to a non-residential use that will result in a higher flow than the current non-residential use, or (c) to non-residential uses where the structure served has been vacant or unoccupied for more than three (3) years;

Upon replacement or repair of any part of the sewer lateral;

Upon issuance of a building permit with a valuation of $25,000.00 or more; or,

Upon significant repair or replacement of the main sewer line to which the lateral is attached.


The violations set forth in this Notice effect the health and enjoymcnt of mernbers of River Watch who reside and recreate in the affected community. Members of River Watch use the alfected watershed for recreation, sports, fishing, swimming, hiking, photography,nature walks and the like. Their health, use, and enjoyment of this nafural resource is specifically impaired by Beaumont’s alleged violations of the CWA as set forth in this Notice.

The CWA specifically provides a 60-day “notice period” to promote resolution of disputes. River Watch strongly encourages Beaumont to contact River Watch within 20 daysafter receipt of this Notice Letter to: (1) initiate a discussion regarding the allegations detailed in this Notice, and (2) set a date for a site visit. In the absence of productive discussions to resolve this dispute, or receipt of additional information demonstrating that Beaumont is in compliance with the strict terms and conditions of its NPDES Permit, River Watch intends to file a citizen’s suit under CWA $ 505(a) when the 60-day notice period ends.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ariel Rios Building

1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 2A460

Regional Administrator

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9 75 Hawthome St.
San Francisco, CA 94105

Executive Director
State Water Resources Control Board 3737 Main Sfteet, Ste 500
Riverside, CA 92501 -3348

City Council
City of Beaumont Beaumont Civic Center

550 E. Sixth St. Beaumont, CA 92223