Beaumont Investment Policy

By: Libi Uremovic, June 15, 2014 | Original Article at

Beaumont City Council Meeting Agenda Item 7.a.18 – Investment Policy

SCOPE: This investment policy applies to activities of the City of Beaumont with regard to investing the financial assets of all funds, including, but not limited to, the following: General Fund; Special Revenue Funds; Capital Project Funds; Enterprise Funds; Debt Service Funds; Special Assessment Funds; Community Facilities Funds; and Internal Service Funds.

AUTHORITY: The City Manager is designated as Investment Officer for the City and with assistance from the Finance Director, is responsible for the investment activities of the City.


California State Law dictates the Maximum Percent of Portfolio a local agency can invest. The law can be found at Government Code 53601 and 53635. The percentages are listed on Page 33 (35/90) of the 2013 Audit.

The City incorrectly lists ‘Local Agency Bonds, Notes, Warrants or other evidence of Indebtedness’ at 50%, but the Audit clearly states the Maximum for Bonds is 20%.

Let’s be very clear: The City has $1.8 Million in the State LAIF Account and a few million in the General Fund Checking and that’s it.

The bond debt the City carries is exactly that: debt. In a democracy the people own the city. When the city purchases bonds it is not an ‘investment’, it is a debt that must be repaid by the people of the city.