Agenda Item 7.g Plan for Salt Mitigation Facility and WWTP Expansion

City Attempts to Meet Water Quality Control Board Deadline With More Fluff

By: Libi Uremovic| Original Article at

Agenda Item 7.g Plan and Schedule for Salt Mitigation Facility and WWTP Expansion:

The City is required by the State Water Quality Control Board January 30th deadline:

“4. City of Beaumont, Wastewater and/or Groundwater Desalter(s) and Brine Disposal Facilities

Submit detailed plan and schedule for construction of desalter(s) and brine disposal facilities. Facilities are to operational as soon as possible but no later than 5 years from date of Executive Officer approval of plan/schedule or as provided by the Executive Officer.

The City provides a lot of options, but when it comes to financing the Report is lacking. The ‘Plan’ can not be implemented without money, but under Estimated Costs and Financing there is only one paragraph stating:

“The proposed desalted and brine disposal facilities are estimated to cost about $60 -70 Million. The possible funding sources include but are not limited to grant funds from US EPA and/or the State, low interest loans from the State, revenue bonds, bank loans, and private equity funds. Before any funding can be processed the City will need to prepare CEQA documents and a financial plan that will be submitted to the funding and financing entities for consideration and approval.”

This is unacceptable.

Financing is not an option for Beaumont. There are State laws regarding debt; Cities can’t incur debt more than 15% of their assets. Beaumont has Millions in debt and no assets. They didn’t qualify for State Funding 5 years ago when the Water District installed the purple pipes and the same people are still in charge, so the situation hasn’t changed or improved.

The Board can not accept this Report that has Kapanicas’ signature, but was prepared by Hisam Baqai. It’s the same smoke and mirrors the City has used for 20 years to renege on their obligations to build the infrastructure.